Worship Matters 6.25.2024

Are you grateful for our worship team volunteers?

Well, I know that I am! I’m so blessed each week with the faithful and joyful group of musicians that is willing and excited to use their gifts and talents to serve the Lord and our church. This week Danny Arellano will be leading the team in worship and he has selected the songs we’ll be singing together on Sunday. We’re so blessed to have so many gifted and willing volunteers serving in this ministry. If you can, please express your gratitude for them when you see them around the church campus 🙂

One of the areas with which we still need volunteers is the tech team. Dave Grinnell and Marty McGinnis are super knowledgeable in the areas of sound and video and would love to help train others to serve on the tech team. Please email jleinen@tbbfchurch.org if you’re interested in serving in one of these ministries, or just come by early on Sunday morning while we’re doing a sound check. Let’s keep serving the Lord and our church together!

Songs This Week

As usual you can find these songs on our playlists below so that you can listen to them throughout the week. I like to listen to them in the car, I know some listen while they workout, or go on a walk in the mornings. I encourage you to find some time this week to listen to these songs and worship the Lord as you do. You can also click here to find the lyrics for these songs.

  1. Rejoice
  2. 10,000 Reasons
  3. Cornerstone
  4. O Praise The Name
  5. All I Have Is Christ

Listen on YOUTUBE
Listen on SPOTIFY

Can’t wait for Sunday!