We feel that LIFE Groups are an important part of church ministry. They’re the place where ongoing fellowship occurs as we study God’s Word while supporting and sharing our lives with one another. We believe that meeting together on a regular basis is time well spent. Our goal is to have EVERYONE “doing life” together in a LIFE Group.

Turn to Acts 2:42-47   in the Bible to help answer this question.

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayers… So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

Notice they met in the temple for corporate worship and teaching but they also met from house to house in smaller groups for community. There were four attributes given which describe what they were devoted to on a regular basis:

  • Apostles’ Doctrine (the Word of God)
  • Fellowship
  • Prayer (includes Worship)
  • Breaking Bread (Food)

We are pleased to offer several different Life Groups for all ages and stages. They are available both on our church campus and at homes within our community, on Sundays and throughout the week.

Review the Life Group listing and choose a group either studying the material you’d like to learn or in a place and time that works for your schedule. We suggest contacting the Life Group Leader before visiting them for the first time, to let them know you’ll be joining them and to confirm their schedule for that week.

Lastly, you’re also welcome to contact the church office (818.776.1500) and we’ll be happy to assist you in choosing just the right group for you!

Life Groups meet on Sundays as well as throughout the week. They usually last 1 1/2 hours and include prayer, study of God’s Word and fellowship.

Click on a group and hit the “Ask to Join” button. An email will automatically be sent to the LIFE Group leader and they will get back to you just as soon as possible.

Yes! We have a group for those who are recently married and one for those married for a while, with or without children. We also offer a grief group for those struggling with the loss of a loved one. In addition, some of our groups are a combination of both young and more mature people and some are groups of more mature believers.

We’d love to help connect you to a group that is right for you. Stop by the Info Center on Sunday mornings or contact the church office.

LIFE Groups – Weekly List

Is this your first time attending a Life Group that is meeting on a weekday?
Please contact the Life Group leader to confirm their schedule.

The Bridge - Campus Map (Click to Enlarge)