Brief Author’s Bio

Dr. Redekopp is Professor emeritus in the Department of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering at USC, having recently retired after serving for 48 years on the full-time faculty.

He earned a baccalaureate degree in mechanical engineering from Montana State University and post-graduate degrees (M.S. and Ph.D.) from UCLA in aerospace engineering sciences.

During his professional career he has been a principle investigator on multiple research projects, served as chair of engineering departments for 12+ years, taught more than 25 different undergraduate and graduate courses in aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, and mathematics, directed or co-directed over a dozen research students to successfully earned Ph.D. degrees, supervised a number of post-doctoral associates, authored or co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed research publications, chaired professional scientific societies, served as associate editor of an international scientific journal, and was a consultant on scientific projects in the corporate sector.  He has received awards in recognition for excellence in teaching, research impact, student mentorship, and university service.

More apropos to the attached lecture series and writings, he has been active in teaching adult Bible classes in his home church over the last 50 years.  He has served his church congregation as chair of the elders for an extended number of years, as well as being asked to assume the role of interim pastor on several occasions. In his Biblical and theological studies he has developed extensive lecture notes pertaining to Biblical chronology, the doctrine of God, Biblical and scientific creationism, the doctrine of salvation, plus a variety of other studies.

He and his wife Judy have three married children and seven grandchildren.