Worship Matters 4.30.2024

Worship Survey

My desire has been–and will continue to be–to lead our congregation to worship the Lord through music. This is a great privilege and responsibility, and I believe it is tremendously important. At times, this is a challenge because I am seeking to unify our whole congregation – from the youngest to the oldest – to joyfully sing to the Lord together. This unity that I’m striving for in worship is not always easy to achieve. And certainly, I am far from perfect in my effort. However, I hope you understand that my goal is to bless our congregation and lead us to worship the One who is truly worthy. Because in the end, it’s really all about Jesus.

But of course, there are many opinions about how we ought to worship the Lord. There are opinions on everything from the volume of the music, the style of the songs, the amount of time we should spend singing, to the kind of instruments we use, and many more factors. And I really do value your opinions about these things. That’s the reason why I sent out a survey at the end of the year to try and get a better idea of which songs are the most meaningful to you. 

However, I realize there are other areas of our worship about which you may want to express your opinions. And so I have created another survey which I would like for you to spend a few minutes filling out. This survey covers a number of different aspects of worship music and our service. Your feedback matters to me. What you think and feel matters to me. And I hope this provides helpful information that will allow us to understand each other better and grow in unity.

Sunday Songs

Here are the songs we’ll be singing together this Sunday. All of these songs are among of the most requested songs from last year. You can click here to download the lyrics for these songs, and you can follow the links below to listen to these songs throughout the week on Spotify, or Youtube. 

  1. How Great Is Our God
  2. How Great Thou Art
  3. He Will Hold Me Fast
  4. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
  5. The Old Rugged Cross

Listen on YOUTUBE
Listen on SPOTIFY

Can’t wait for Sunday!

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