Summer Nights

@ The Bridge

Radical Discernment

We all need discernment in our lives. We make all kinds of decisions. We say and do all kinds of things. We want to be discerning in them all. We don’t want to say or do foolish things. We don’t want to choose the wrong path. We need discernment. The good news is that God promises to give wisdom to those who ask (James 1:5). So let discernment in our lives start with asking God for discernment instead of thinking we know what’s wise in and of ourselves. And as we apply God’s word through wisdom I think you’ll find it requires Radical Discernment to “not love the world nor the things in the world (1 John 2:15).

Do you have a question about an area of discernment?

The Elders at The Bridge would be glad to help you think through these things biblically.