Right Message – Right Motives

May 27, 2012

Series: Galatians

Service Type: Sunday Worship Service

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Scripture: Galatians 6:14-18

“Right Message – Right Motives ”

I. The Gospel of Grace Alone Through Faith Alone in the Finished Work of Christ Alone Defended (1:1-2:21)

II. The Gospel of Grace Alone Through Faith Alone in the Finished Work of Christ Alone Explained (3:1-4:31)

III. The Gospel of Grace Alone Through Faith Alone in the Finished Work of Christ Alone Applied (5:1-6:18)

     A. Position of Liberty: Stand Fast (5:1-12)
B. Practice of Liberty: Love One Another (5:13-15)
C. Power for Liberty: Walk in the Spirit (5:16-26)
D. Performance in Liberty: Do Good to all Men (6:1-17)
1. Bearing the Burden of Grace vs. Law (6:1-5)
2. Sowing & Reaping the Good Seed of Grace (6:6-10)
3. Message & Motive of Law vs. Message & Motive of Grace      (6:11-16)
a. Motives of the Legalists (6:12-13)
1) Conceit / Pride – v. 12
2) Comfort / Cowardice – v. 12
3) Con / Hypocrisy – v. 13
4) Crowing / Boasting – v. 13
b. Motives of the Apostle Paul (6:14-17)
1) Crowing / Boasting in the Cross – v. 14a
2) Consistent inside & out – v. 14b-15
3) Comforted by the New Covenant – v. 16
4) Conformity to Christ’s Sufferings – v. 17


Discussion Questions:
1. What is the single greatest lesson you have learned from Galatians? How have you specifically applied it to your life?
2. What does the cross of Jesus Christ mean to you? How is it connected to God’s grace? Do you boast about it to others? If not, why not? If so, how specifically do you do it?
3. What does Paul mean by, “through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world”? How specifically was the world crucified to Paul (and all believers)? How specifically was Paul (and all believers) crucified to the world? What does this mean in practical terms? What impact does this have on our tendency to boast in ourselves and our accomplishments?
4. How would an awareness that we are crucified to the world and the world is crucified to us impact our battle with sin (and temptation)? How do we grow in this understanding of being dead to the world? [See Romans 6 also]
5. What is a “new creation”? What other verses talk about believers being a new creation? What connection does this have with Ezekiel 36:25-27? Why would this supersede the need to be circumcised (Old Covenant Law)?
6. What “rule” is Paul referring to in Gal. 6:16? How do we “walk by this rule”? and experience God’s peace and mercy?
7. Who is the “Israel of God” that Paul is referring to in Gal. 6:16?
8. Why did Paul point out that he bore in his body the brand-marks (stigmata) of Jesus? How was this an indication that his motives were different than those of the Judaizers? Read Phil. 3:1-16. Note the transformation in Paul’s life when he came to understand FAITH-based righteousness vs. WORKS-based righteousness. What did this motivate Paul to do in v. 10-11? How motivated are you to see know these things (experientially) in your life? If you are not motivated, what does this indicate about the depth of your understanding of God’s grace? What will you do to grow deeper in your understanding of grace and grow stronger in your commitment to know Jesus better?
9. Why does Paul end all of his letters by focusing on grace? Is this simply a salutation like “Sincerely” or is there more to it than that? Why specifically does he want the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to be with their SPIRIT?
10. Identify any areas of your life where you still struggle with Legalism (performance-based acceptance, etc.). How should a biblical understanding of the Cross of Jesus impact that area of your life? Prayerfully commit that area to the Lord and ask Him to help you approach it from now on by grace not by works. Then ask a prayer partner to encourage you to keep on giving that area to the Lord so that the Lord gets the praise & glory & honor when the change takes place in your life.
11. Make a list of 5 to 10 people you know that need to hear & respond to the Gospel of Grace. Begin praying for God to open their hearts and prepare them to hear the gospel. Then plan some times to be with them and boldly tell them about the Amazing Grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ