You are invited to participate in the March Missions activities by hosting your own evangelism movie night! We are coordinating a network of homes within our congregation to feature a showing of the family-friendly movie Sabina as a tool to reach out to unsaved family, friends and neighbors.
Who: Everyone in our congregation is invited to consider how you could host or co-host a movie night with the guests of your choice.
What: Serve some light snacks and download the movie Sabina to watch with your guests. (This well-made movie is about the testimony of Richard and Sabina Wurmbrandt, founders of Voice of the Martyrs. The story tells how they came to know Christ as a young married couple, how they evangelized in their neighborhood, then hid Christians during WWII in Romania, suffered personal persecution, and even opened their hearts of forgiveness to their Nazi oppressors.)
Where: Invite guests to your home, or partner with a friend who might be able to help.
When: Saturday, March 8 has been designated as our church coordinated missions movie night. But you can schedule this outreach event any time (or multiple times) based on your availability and the availability of your guests. Just don’t put it off!
Why: Hospitality in our homes opens doors to get to know our unsaved family, friends, and neighbors. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just show the love of Christ! Even if your guests decline your invitation, the gesture alone already shows your interest in others and may present an opportunity for a gospel conversation. Don’t be discouraged, keep inviting anyone God brings to mind and He will show you who He has chosen to respond to your kindness. Just as God showed His heart of hospitality by offering Himself so we can believe and join His family, we communicate His care for all men by reaching out to the lost.
- First, pray that God will bless this event in our community, and ask him to show you how you can participate in this outreach. Ask a friend to pray with you.
- Second, watch the movie trailer and consider how God might be working in your own heart to speak boldly for him.
- Third, choose a date and time for your movie night (maybe March 8)
- Fourth, prayerfully make a list of potential guests and start calling or texting to see who is available.
- Finally, Download or stream the movie or order the DVD here, and welcome your guests with outstretched arms and a warm smile. Be bold to stand up and stand out for Christ!
Let us know if you will be hosting a movie night! As a missions committee, we would like to make a list of who will be participating so we can help support you with prayer, ideas, questions, etc.