Holiday Table Outreach

UPDATE: Thank you, Bridge Family! All 75 of our bags were picked up during the month of November. Please keep the families in your prayers that received these bags and the invitation to The Bridge. 

What is the Holiday Table Outreach?

Grocery bags filled with kitchen staples and holiday foods are available the first three Sundays in November. Our goal is for each family at The Bridge to pick up one grocery bag to give to someone you know who could really use this kind of blessing during this season. Giving this gift of groceries will also be a great time for you to invite your friend, neighbor, co-worker or family member to visit our church. Pray that the Lord will show you who you can bless with this special gift.

Each grocery bag will include: an invitation to our church, grocery staples, holiday food items, and a $25 grocery gift card. 

Why Holiday Table Outreach?

  • This is an outreach opportunity that every family in the English or Hispanic congregation can participate in.
  • Each family that receives a gift will also have a personal connection with someone at our church.
  • As a church, we can identify and reach 100 families with the kind of help they really need.
  • This outreach will also show our community that we are a loving, giving church.
*We are no longer accepting Food Bank Box donations (as we are all stocked up on these food items – thank you!)
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