So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up. Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith. [Galatians 6:9-10 – New Living Translation]
Last week I wrote about the HOPE we have in Jesus Christ no matter how severe our circumstances may appear to be. This message is so needed here in Southern California at this time as we work through the devastation of the wildfires.
Last week I also sent out an email and then announced in church that we wanted to collect money to help people who suffered loss. On Sunday morning we collected over $8,400 toward that end. Thank you for giving over and above to help people in crisis. We are still trying to find out specific needs within our church family of faith and/or their extended families. Most people have insurance that will cover alternative housing until they can return to their evacuated home or rebuild their home, and FEMA is already on-site providing funds for a number of things both to home and business owners ( But we are sure there are others who have needs not covered by insurance or FEMA. If you have financial needs due to the fire and/or know of specific people who do, please let us know right away (church office – 818-776-1500).
The verses above will be applicable to our situation for several years to come because it will take that long for our cities to recover. Many of us did not experience personal loss, but for those who lost their home, business, school, neighborhood, city, they will need to work through that loss for months and years until things are rebuilt. This will require diligence on our part to keep on serving people and meeting their needs. It will cost us time, effort, and money, but it will be worth it both temporally and eternally. These needs are not going away anytime soon so our opportunities abound. Let’s not get tired or give up just because it will take a few years.
What we are facing because of these wildfires is truly a catastrophe and an opportunity. As Galatians 6:10 says, when we have the opportunity, we should do good (that which is morally good and admirable). The ultimate good is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ so they can share with us in an eternal hope and a home in heaven that will endure forever. Their greatest need is to know Jesus as their LORD, Rock, and Redeemer. Along with that message, we need to put the grace and love of Jesus on display to as many people as possible by meeting needs.
What kinds of good things can we do to meet needs? I will list a few. Please send me other ideas.
- Ask people how you can pray for them. Pray faithfully and check up on how the Lord answers. Keep asking for current prayer requests and be their advocate before the throne of God.
- Give financially to our designated fire relief fund, to other relief agencies, or to specific people who are in need. Be prepared to cut expenses to make this part of your ongoing budget.
- Hospitality. Open your home to a person or family for a meal or for a place to stay.
- Form a clean-up team. This could be a LIFE Group or any other group in the church that can go help people clean up the debris from their homes when allowed to do so.
- Some restaurants offered a free meal to first responders (i.e., Stonefire Grill, Mimi’s, Sizzler, etc.). Send those restaurants a thank you note/email.
- Pay for a meal for a fireman or for the whole crew in a fire station to go to a restaurant (or give them gift cards). These hard-working people not only fight the fires, but they typically have to shop for and prepare their own meals in the stations.
- Offer free babysitting to parents who need to focus on recovering from the fires.
- Offer a car or offer rides to those who lost their car.
- Visit / listen. Because these needs may continue and change for a few years, continue to visit and listen to what people are working through. Most of them don’t need answers, but they would love some compassionate, listening ears.
- Add your own ideas to this list.
In the months ahead, our Lord and Savior will give you wisdom, resources, and endurance, as you serve others in practical and powerful ways. Look for opportunities. Pray for hurting people. Then be the Lord’s answer to prayer. You will reap a harvest of blessing if you don’t give up.
“But it is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant; and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” [Mark 10:43-45 – NASB95]