10 Prayer Points – Youth Winter Camp

Bridge Family let me first say thank you for knowing the value and power of prayer. Know that the time you spend bringing the teens and leaders before the Throne of Grace is heard by our merciful Savior and appreciated by every participant. Below are a few pieces of information about the camp that you will appreciate as well as ten prayer points to aid you in your prayer time.

Theme: “Jesus First”

Times: Meet at The Bridge at 10:00 AM on Friday, Feb 14 and return Monday, Feb 17 (Time TBD)

Sessions: Friday Evening, Saturday Morning and Evening, Sunday Morning and Evening, Monday Morning.


As you Pray consider the following areas to pray and maybe plan out some prayer times over the weekend! To God be the glory!

  1. Pray that God will save souls and transform lives. Pray that the lost, the backslidden, and the hard-hearted will be moved by the Holy Spirit to respond to the power of the Gospel in faith.
  2. Pray that the worship and teaching times will be free from distractions and focused on the truth and power of the gospel to change lives.
  3. Pray for the speakers that their messages will only be truth that would match with Scripture and that it would be exactly what the campers and leaders need to hear from the Lord.
  4. Pray that the hearts and minds of the teens and leaders will be open and receptive to Scripture’s teaching and that their whole being will be impacted by the Spirit’s work.
  5. Pray that the kids share honestly and that leaders ask good questions, hear what people really mean, and speak God’s truth and love during small group times and random conversations.
  6. Pray that God deepens Christ-honoring friendships and builds new friendships centered around the work of Christ. 
  7. Pray that Christ would encourage, equip, and empower the leaders, speakers, and teens during the weekend of camp and that this week will help them in ministry when they return home.
  8. Pray for the protection of all those at camp. Pray for the safety and health of every camper and leader as God wills.
  9. Pray that this would be the best weekend of the year for each camper that attends. Pray for fun, joy, and adventure.
  10. Most of all, pray that Christ alone is exalted through the clear teaching of his Word alone so that God’s Grace alone leads to teens taking the next step in their walk of Faith alone to the Glory of God alone!