STOP THE PRESSES! An additional Exercise Class with Dawn has been added on Mondays. Both the Monday and Wednesday Classes (see below) will now run from 12:15-1:15 pm in the K Building (K-5). Register with Dawn Harcus (see below).
Ladies, Ann Grinnell’s Life Group (that started meeting Wednesdays from 10:30 am to noon and still has openings), invites YOU to a 6-week exercise class – with 3 weeks remaining!
Exercise with Dawn
When? The exercise class began on September 21st.
Time? From 12:15-1:15 pm. Stay a half hour or the full hour, if you can.
Where? K Building, K-5
Leader? Dawn Harcus, a registered exercise instructor, leads us in exercise for all stages from chair to active.
Cost? The class fee is $5.00 per class, payable directly to Dawn Harcus. If you’d like to come but can’t afford this amount, please see Dawn.
Registration for the Exercise Class and/or Questions? Please contact Dawn Harcus at