Ladies’ Exercise Class with Dawn

STOP THE PRESSES! An additional Exercise Class with Dawn has been added on Mondays. Both the Monday and Wednesday Classes (see below) will now run from 12:15-1:15 pm in the K Building (K-5). Register with Dawn Harcus (see below).

Ladies, Ann Grinnell’s Life Group (that started meeting Wednesdays from 10:30 am to noon and still has openings), invites YOU to a 6-week exercise class – with 3 weeks remaining!

Exercise with Dawn

When? The exercise class began on September 21st.

Time? From 12:15-1:15 pm. Stay a half hour or the full hour, if you can.

Where? K Building, K-5

Leader? Dawn Harcus, a registered exercise instructor, leads us in exercise for all stages from chair to active.

Cost? The class fee is $5.00 per class, payable directly to Dawn Harcus. If you’d like to come but can’t afford this amount, please see Dawn.

Registration for the Exercise Class and/or Questions? Please contact Dawn Harcus at