Randy’s Top 10 – October 2024 Edition

The Top 10 for this month is based on a study I taught on Wednesday night from the book of the Bible titled, “In the Wilderness.” In our English Bibles it is titled, “Numbers.” This book starts out with such great hope as the Israelites are primed and ready to enter the Promised Land, the land flowing with milk and honey!

However, things start to go really bad as the faith of the people of God begins to fail. As we read about these “Faith Failures” we can easily think that “Those Israelites were just dumb. I would never do those things!”

But Paul warns us about such a view in 1 Cor 10:11-12 – “Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come. Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed that he does not fall.”

So here are the Top 10 sins they committed in the book of Numbers that we should take heed that we also do not fall.

  1. Forgetting: By focusing on their situation, they forgot all of the amazing and miraculous ways that the Lord showed His power in bringing them out of Egypt.
  2. Remembering: By remembering some of the good things that they had in Egypt (while they were suffering), they were discontent with God’s current provisions for them in the wilderness (miraculously), and they ignored the hope of the Promised Land. 
  3. Doubting: When they saw the size and number of the people in the land of Canaan, they became so afraid that they no longer believed that God was able to help them conquer those people and take the land.
  4. Rebelling: Failure of this sort happened in numerous instances. The Israelites often were unhappy with the leadership that God had given them (i.e. Moses). So they rebelled against the Lord by rebelling against Moses. And Moses was even the one constantly interceding and asking the Lord not to destroy them!
  5. Coveting: The food situation and God’s provisions were not enough for them (i.e. daily Manna). They really wanted meat! Like the meat they had while they were slaves in Egypt.
  6. Complaining: They complained about everything. Did not like the food, the water, the travel route, the leadership, the battle plans, etc.. So they whined and complained about it to Moses. I’m sure they were complaining about such things daily with each other too!
  7. Discontent: While God had rescued the Israelites as part of His plan to bless them, they focused so much attention on what they did not like or did not have. A constant lack of gratitude for God’s works and His provisions for them was expressed in their words and actions.
  8. Lusting: When tempted by the Moabite women (prostitutes), they lusted and acted out on that lust with those women. In the process they worshiped their God (Baal). This all happened after they had already wandered in the wilderness for 39 years because of the sin of their fathers! Did they learn nothing?!
  9. Mocking: One person actually committed this immoral sin of adultery in broad daylight in front of Moses and all Israel, mocking them and even the LORD Himself.
  10. Lying & Promoting Lies: They were often saying things about God that were not true, promoting false things about His character and His plans. On multiple occasions they accused God of bringing the Israelites out of Egypt in order to kill them in the wilderness. Think of how terrible a lie that was. God’s plan was to bless them, but they turned it around into a curse. 

If you have never read this book, “In the Wilderness” (aka “Numbers”), I would highly recommend you do, so that you, like me, can take heed of these faith failures, in order that we might not fall into the same things. And I will leave you with two suggested challenges:

Challenge #1: Which of these 10 faith failures are you most likely to be tempted to struggle with yourself? If you email me your answer, I will email you back with mine.

Challenge #2: Can you find at least one reference, from the book of Numbers, that matches each of the 10 faith failures I listed above? I know, this is a little more work. But if you do it, I think you will be blessed by it. And you will be more prepared to heed Paul’s warning. Also, feel free to send your answers to me.

May the Lord use the truth of His Word, even the hard things, to help us live greater lives for His glory!

Have a blessed day,

Pastor Randy