…but God is the Perfect Matchmaker

“House and wealth are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.”

(Proverbs 19:14 – NASB95) 

I read that proverb many, many years ago when I was a single man. My parents didn’t have any money, so I knew the first part wouldn’t apply in my case. But when I was 18 years old, I heard a message on dating, and the pastor said the second half of the verse could be translated, “…but God is the Perfect Matchmaker.” I knew the Lord loved me and knew exactly what I needed, so I prayed and waited on the Lord to bring me my perfect match. I asked Him to change me and prepare me to be a blessing in her life; whoever she was. I knew she would need to be a special woman to accept and embrace the lifestyle of a pastor’s wife. And she would need to put up with ME which was an even bigger hurdle. I went about developing friendships with different young ladies and waited for the Lord to lead.

On Monday I will celebrate 35 years with my precious wife, and I can tell you from experience that God is indeed the Perfect Matchmaker. When Diane and I got married on September 28, 1985, I didn’t fully understand what the Lord had planned for my life. Looking back over the course of our marriage, I see clearly that I needed Diane to be by my side. She is a gift to me from the Lord in every way imaginable. Her gifts, abilities, personality, character qualities, interests, desires, sense of humor, honesty, transparency, integrity, work ethic, love for God, love for family, love for the church, faithfulness, contentment, hospitality, generosity, tenacity, insight, discernment, wise counsel, and patience (just to name a few), have been a blessing to me and to the churches we have served together.

When we got married, she knew it was a strong possibility that we would never make a lot of money or have a lot of nice things. In her personally written vows, when she came to the part where people traditionally say, “for richer or for poorer,” she said, “in times of abundance; should there ever be any.” Even John MacArthur laughed at that one. The wonderful thing was, she meant it. How freeing it has been to know that my wife didn’t need me to provide fancy cars, exquisite jewelry, or expensive vacations. We approached our future believing that we would never own a home and Diane was okay with that. She wanted to invest in her husband, her children and her church and leave the other things in God’s hands (Mt. 6:33). God has graciously given us way more than we thought we would ever have. If God took it all away tomorrow we would praise Him for the opportunity to use it for a time for His glory (Job 1:21).

Two weeks shy of our 5th wedding anniversary we moved away from a church we helped plant in San Diego so that I could be the Senior Pastor of a tiny little church in Woodland Hills. We moved from a small church in an elementary school to the purchase of a church building in Canoga Park to a merger with a church in Reseda. 9 days ago marked the 30th anniversary of me being the Senior Pastor of that church (now known as The Bridge Bible Fellowship). I am grateful to the Lord for the privilege of serving this church for this long, and I am especially grateful that Diane has been by my side the whole time. Her prayers, strength, support, and encouragement have helped me not only get through the ups and downs of being a pastor, but actually enjoy the ride.

I am a blessed man. God answered the prayers of an 18-year-old in abundance. For our wedding ceremony, Diane rewrote some of the words and recorded the song, “Wind Beneath My Wings.” The verses were changed to focus on how the Lord brought us together (Prov. 19:14), but the chorus remained the same as she sang to me: “Did you ever know that you’re my hero? You’re everything I wish I could be. I can fly higher than an eagle. For you are the wind beneath my wings.”

In reality, you’re my hero, Diane Carol (Zagnoli) Brown. I would have sung the song to you at the wedding, but people would have been crying for a different reason. You are my perfect match from the Lord and I’m grateful for 35 blessed years by your side. Thank you for being my best friend and favorite person on planet earth. I look forward to every day the Lord gives us to serve Him together. Happy 35th anniversary. I love you.

P.S. Countless people agree wholeheartedly with what I have written about you. Thank you for being you!