Pastor Paul’s Article: Serving One Another

“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, let him speak, as it were, the utterances of God; whoever serves, let him do so as by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.”
(1 Peter 4:10-11)

In his first epistle, the Apostle Peter calls us to overcome our fears and learn to truly love. In the verses above he calls us to LOVE THE CHURCH! The church is not an organization, but an organism (1 Peter 2:4-10); it is the living body of Christ. It is comprised of human beings that have been miraculously and eternally rescued from sin, guilt, and judgment. It is also God’s vehicle to reach a lost world and let them know that He sent His Son to be their Savior (1 Peter 2:11-12; 3:15).

Do you love the Church? Notice I didn’t ask if you “attend” a church, but if you LOVE the Church. If we love the Church, we will do what Peter said – we will SERVE! In 1 Peter 4:10-11 Peter tells us how we can serve the Church and participate with God in reaching the world with the good news of Jesus.

I. Importance of Serving – v. 10. 

  1. Each part is CRUCIAL to the whole. The words “each one” are emphatic in this sentence. Every individual is important in the church! YOU ARE IMPORTANT! There is no distinction between clergy and laity; all of us are in full-time Christian work! Peter says that you have received a “special gift.” It is UNIQUE! The Church is like a jigsaw puzzle where our protrusions (strengths & giftedness) and our indentations (weaknesses, immaturity & underdevelopment) blend together to give the watching world a complete picture of Jesus. There are people in this church that specifically need your strengths and you need some of theirs as well. Peter says these gifts are the “manifold grace of God.” Each person is a spiritual snowflake that God uses in a unique way to advance His purposes in the Church and in the world (1 Cor. 12). Everyone is needed! The following illustration may help: 

    The Workshop Tools got together to have a meeting & decide who was needed & who wasn’t. Brother hammer presided. Some suggested that he leave the meeting because he is too noisy. Hammer said, “If I have to leave the meeting brother screw has to leave also because you have to turn him around again and again to get anything accomplished.” Screw was insulted & said, “If you wish I’ll leave, but brother plane must leave also because all his work is on the surface, there is no depth.” Plane responded, “Brother rule will have to also withdraw because he is always measuring people as if he were the only one that’s right.” Rule said, “Brother sandpaper ought to leave too because he is so rough and always rubbing people the wrong way.” In the midst of this discussion, in walked the carpenter of Nazareth. He put on his apron, went to his bench, and built a pulpit to proclaim the gospel. He used the hammer, screw, plane, rule, sandpaper, etc., and then he left. Brother Saw arose and said, “Brethren, I observe that all of us are workers together for the Lord.”

  2. Each part has a RESPONSIBILITY to the Lord. Peter says that we are to be “good stewards.” A steward was a slave that was responsible to manage a man’s property & household. We are to see ourselves as stewards of what God has entrusted to us and dispense our gifts, talents, abilities, resources, and time for the benefit of the other members of the body. It’s not about me and/or what the Church can do for me. It’s all about God! It is His Church; we are His people; they are His gifts; we are to employ them for Him. When we serve the Church, we are serving God and being faithful stewards of what He has entrusted to us. 

II. Ingredients of Serving – v. 10-11

  1. Sacrifice. The word “service” or “ministry” means to wait upon another; to care for needs; to place the needs & comfort of another before your own. There is always room in the Church for another servant; another unsung hero in the shadows. Mark 10:45 tells us that the greatest shall be your servant.  The Body of Christ will be beautiful to a watching world when we give until it hurts and we love the lost with such humility that they ask us why we do it.
  2. Empowered. When we speak, we speak the very utterances of God. When we serve, we do so by the strength that God supplies. God has empowered us for service in the Church. Zechariah 4:6 reminds us that we don’t accomplish God’s work by our own might or power but by His Spirit. “God’s work done God’s way will not lack God’s strength.”
  3. Corporate. God supplies us with His words and His strength to serve “one another.” He placed us in His Church so we can minister to one another corporately. We need to identify with a local church so we can carry out the “one another” commands.
  4. Purposeful Focus. We serve the Church out of a deep desire from the heart to glorify God. When the Church works together to exalt Jesus Christ and represent Him accurately to the world God is glorified! Our Lord deserves all dominion and glory forever. When we serve His Church, it shows His dominion in our lives and brings Him great glory.

I share those truths about service in the local church out of concern that each one of us would be faithful stewards of the gifts the LORD has entrusted to us. There are several ministries in our church where we need more people serving. Included in that list would be youth, college, missions, local outreach, hospital chaplain, greeters, ushers, security, LIFE Group host families, choir, worship team, orchestra, sound / lighting tech…, but the two at the forefront of my mind right now pertain to our summer program. Starting on Wednesday night, June 21, we will have six weeks of “Summer Nights at the Bridge.” Included in this wonderful night of ministry for all ages is our BBQ dinner. This provides a fantastic opportunity for us to get to know one another better, especially new people. We still need several volunteers to help set up, BBQ, serve, and clean up the meal each week. If you can help with this, please contact Stan George at 818-522-1093. We also need more volunteers to serve on those nights in our children’s program, “Summer Adventure.” With all the lies that are being forced upon children in our culture and schools, it is imperative that we reach them with the truth, and train them to know, love, and serve the LORD. If you would like to help reach our children with the gospel, please contact Xiomara Bueno at 818-776-1500 ext. 115. 

Please prayerfully consider how the LORD wants you to serve at The Bridge. And please prayerfully invite at least 5 of your friends and family to join us at Summer Nights at the Bridge. We have some fantastic people coming to teach us how to grow deeper and stronger in our relationships (singleness, marriage, parenting, and grandparenting). The things we learn will be life-changing!