Men’s Missions Breakfast – 3/1

Men's' Missions Breakfast

Men, plan to gather on Saturday, March 1 – 9 AM – E Lower Level (ELL)

March Missions
Mika Kaltoft and the men of Aarhus Bibelkirke in Denmark will challenge us with their testimony of how God is building His church through faithful men.

Bring your sons and grandsons!

Saturday, March 1 9:00-11:00 AM | E Lower Level

  • Join us for a morning of fellowship over coffee and breakfast as we hear how God’s word is being proclaimed in Denmark. Prepare to be challenged to grow in your role as men (and leaders) in the local church.
  • Come hear the testimonies of men from Aarhus Bibelkirke (a thriving church plant in Denmark) and see how God has used the local church to grow men into biblical leaders.

Speakers: Men from Aarhus Bibelkirke, Denmark (with Mika Kaltoft)