A Mission to Serve

A Mission to Serve by Pastor Jeff

What comes to mind when you think about Bridge Children’s Ministry? Do you think about your own experiences in childhood, maybe gluing cotton balls to sheep during craft time, or singing “Jesus Loves Me” during worship time, or perhaps that one lesson where the object lesson or illustration really wow-ed you? Or perhaps you recall that teacher(s) who faithfully shared God’s truth with you week after week and gradually shaped your view of God, the world, and yourself. Whatever your recollection, I’m certain that the memory of the individuals leading you in songs, games, crafts, or teaching is indelibly etched into your heart.

As I reflect on my own “Sunday School” experience, my fondest and strongest memory is the week my father came and taught our elementary class. Whether by his own choice or at the direction of the curriculum, my father’s task was to teach Genesis 22, the account of Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah. Yes, I can already see the wheels in your head turning and yes, the object lesson went probably very much like you imagine. As he began the story I imagined myself in Isaac’s shoes, asking the questions about the sheep and carrying the wood up the hillside. Then suddenly I no longer needed to imagine Isaac’s predicament. My father called me to the front of the room where a table laden with sticks loomed. He produced a rope from a bag behind the table and proceeded to tie me up and lay me on the “altar.” By this point, my heart was racing with nervous energy and palpable fear… I knew what was coming. Sure enough, my dad proceeded to pull (what appeared to my 6-year-old mind to be) a foot-long kitchen knife out of the previously nondescript bag and proceeded to hold it above his head in a ready-to-strike pose. Thankfully, the angel spoke to Abraham once again, sparing me from a horrific death.

Why do I share this anecdote from my childhood you may ask?

The pastor-elder team is constantly considering how we can provoke one another to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24-25), and to model that same servant-hearted activity. In other words, we encourage one another and the entire church family to seek out ways to SERVE! I’m reminded of our journey through 1 Peter where in chapter 4 we are admonished to be fervent in loving one another (v 8). This fervency shows up in hospitality (v 9) and in SERVICE toward one another (v 10)! It strikes me afresh that the command in verse 10 is to USE or EMPLOY the gifts that we have.

We often focus our attention on what the gift may be, yet God emphasizes ACTIVELY PARTICIPATING in the work of ministry with whatever gift we might have.

Now I hear some of you saying, “How do I know what my gift is so I can use it to serve?” Let me encourage you to consider a couple thoughts.

  1. It is more important to Christ and to the Church that you get involved than that you find the exact right fit. I am not suggesting that everyone will be good at everything, but engaging NOW will quite often reveal the gifts God has given to YOU to serve the body (John 9:4)!
  2. Wherever you serve, and whatever you do to serve, the most important quality is God-focused, maximum effort (v 11). Your service is ultimately to the King whether you’re greeting people, walking security, passing the offering, playing an instrument, preaching a sermon, changing a diaper, checking in elementary students, or washing toilets! EVERYONE in this family serves the Head of the Church–CHRIST JESUS!  

OK, so how’d we go from a cute story of little Pastor Jeffrey nearly being sacrificed to him giving marching orders to serve? Well, there is no more humbling, yet rewardingly necessary ministry than serving the children and parents of The Bridge Bible Fellowship. You see my father was our church choir director, a deacon, teacher in the Christian school, basketball coach, math teacher, high school band director, not to mention husband and father! Busy did not even begin to describe his week, yet he recognized and valued serving children. At The Bridge, there is an almost incessant need for teachers, helpers, desk workers, and more! If Bridge Kids is to fulfill its mission, then we need more partners! 

MISSION: Glorifying God by partnering with parents in teaching & training children in the truths of Scripture, promoting a Christ-like spirit with one another, and proclaiming Jesus Christ to this next generation (Matthew 18:1–6)

I had a conversation with an individual about a year ago who had no idea where to get involved in ministry. I encouraged them to consider serving in Bridge Kids. This individual was not exactly comfortable with children, had little to no experience working with children, and doubted even their ability to work with children. I encouraged them to “give it a try” and see how the Lord would open their heart and grow their gifts. If it became clear to them or to the leadership that this was not working well, then we could revisit that decision down the road. They are still serving today and learning, not because I made some heart-felt, eloquently worded plea, but because they were burdened just to serve. They obeyed God’s Command in 1 Peter 4:10 to employ [the gift they received] in serving one another as [a] good steward of the manifold grace of God.”

Have you obeyed this command? Are you serving the body of Christ in some consistent capacity today? What gift/ability could you sacrificially give to The Bridge in service to the LORD? Don’t know where to begin? Ask an Elder or check out the list of ministries and leaders below and talk to them TODAY! You will find the blessing of God poured out both in and through your service!

Pastor Jeff