Pastor Paul Brown

Pastor Randy Leinen

Pastor Eduardo Bueno

Jeff Borchardt

Zach Volker

Wayne Borkin

Gary Birch

Don Rohde

Dennis Philpot

Rich Weitzel
No Results Found

Senior Pastor
Pastor Paul Brown
Pastor Paul is a graduate of Logos Bible School (Bible Certificate), Southern Oregon State College (B.A. in History), and Talbot School of Theology (M.Div). He also received an honorary D.Div. from California Pacific School of Theology.
He has served in various ministries including Youth Pastor at Ashland Bible Church, Campus Ministries Pastor at Grace Community Church, and Associate Pastor at Heartland Community Church prior to becoming Senior Pastor of Shepherd’s Community Church in 1990.
In 2007, Shepherd’s Community Church merged with Heart of the Valley to form The Bridge Bible Fellowship. In 2007, Paul also developed and became President of Shepherding The Nations, an international Missions Agency that currently works in India, Nepal, Bolivia, Honduras and Southern Mexico. Its primary aim is to resource native pastors to reach their own countries with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul’s wife, Diane, treasures time with her family and especially her grandchildren, is employed at TBBF as “Special Projects Coordinator” – and is also a professional vocalist. They were married in September of 1985 and have four children, two of whom are married: Jeremiah, Hannah (and Patrick), Rachel (and Josh), and Aaron. Paul and Diane have 5 grandchildren.
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 111

Executive Pastor
Pastor Randy Leinen
Randy served at Shepherd’s Community Church since 1994 in various capacities. He has a passion for God’s Word and loves teaching the Bible. He has taught Adult Sunday School classes and Home Bible studies as well as serving on the Elder Board.
Randy graduated from Multnomah School of the Bible in 1987 with a degree in Biblical Studies with a minor in N.T. Greek. He went on to earn a teaching credential in Mathematics from Western Oregon State in 1989. He serves on staff here at The Bridge Bible Fellowship in the role of Executive Pastor.
Randy was married to Susan in 1985. Susan has served faithfully in various areas of ministry alongside of Randy. She currently serves with Randy in the administration of our mission agency, Shepherding the Nations. Randy and Susan have two adult sons, a wonderful daughter-in-law, and two grandsons.
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 135

Hispanic Senior Pastor
Pastor Eduardo Bueno
Although he was born to a strong Christian family, by the time he reached his late teens, he decided to live for himself. Living for himself involved much heavy drinking and enjoying the party life. But no matter how much he did, there was no true satisfaction! He did not want to submit to God’s authority, let alone become a pastor! But God took him seriously when he raised his hand at a youth retreat to serve HIM. God’s plan was to clean up Eduardo’s life and bring him this entire way, holding his hand. God has truly led Eduardo step by step. He is so grateful to the Lord and to Xiomara, his wife.
He started at Heart of the Valley in 1988, serving as Youth Pastor, Deacon, Elder and now as a full-time Pastor. There have been many changes over the last 10 years of ministry. Soon he’ll be working on his Master’s degree in Biblical Studies. He has learned to trust the Lord 100% through many circumstances and has grown to understand that the Bible is not meant to make one smart, but to change one’s life!
Phone:818.776.1500, Ext. 112

Youth & Family Pastor
Jeff Borchardt
Pastor Jeff is the eldest of four born into a Christian ministry home. As early as he can remember, he attended church anytime the doors were open. He often thinks back with gratitude to his parents’ dedication to the local church, a priority which has shaped him to this day!
Pastor Jeff graduated from Maranatha Baptist University (B.A. in Humanities ‘04) and Bob Jones University (M.Ed. in Secondary Education ‘12). He is currently enrolled at The Master’s Seminary working on an M.Div. After graduating from MBU in ‘04, Jeff married Jessica and the newlyweds moved to Guam to teach at Harvest Christian Academy and Harvest Baptist Church. At HCA Jeff taught High School Science for 14 years and Jessica taught English for 6 years. Both Jeff and Jess served in the music ministry and the children’s ministry at HBC. While in Guam, the Lord also blessed them with their 5 children Jeffrey 3 (4/9/07), Jean Marie (8/26/09), Jonathan (10/12/2012), Judson (5/6/2014), and Jubilee (5/25/2017). In 2018, God moved the Borchardt family to Taiwan where Jeff taught Math and Science at Morrison Academy in Kaohsiung. It was through their time in Taiwan while ministering alongside missionary families that the Lord worked in their hearts to pursue pastoral ministry. The Borchardts joined the Bridge family in January of 2022 and faithfully strive to live by the dedication found in Joshua 24:15.
Pastor Jeff enjoys playing and watching basketball and football. On days off, you might find him hiking the CA trails with his family or splashing in the waves with his kids. He also has a healthy love of music, and currently picks up the guitar for worship. Pastor Jeff especially enjoys singing songs about His Great Savior. On a typical day, Pastor Jeff has a good cup of coffee (his favorite is Highlander Grogg from Berres Brothers) in his hand ready to share truths he has discovered from God’s Word. His life verse is I Samuel 16:7, a reminder that Yahweh sees the heart.

Elder Chair
Zach Volker
Zach was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ. He grew up in a believing family with 3 other siblings and enjoyed the blessing of having a pastor for a father. He repented and believed in 1996 during high school, and spent his remaining time there evangelizing to his Mormon friends. In 2000, Zach moved out to Los Angeles to go to art school to study animation at CalArts.
After a few semesters he quit school and found work as an animator. Shortly after that he married his wonderful wife, Staci, in 2002, and together they enjoy the blessing of 4 children who they currently home-school. Zach and Staci have been a part of The Bridge since 2003. They have been serving younger married couples since 2006 and have a passion to see young families grow healthy and strong. Zach is currently a supervising animator at a local video game studio and has been an elder since 2015.

Wayne Borkin
Wayne was born and raised in the Jewish Faith. At the age of 28, he read the New Testament for the very first time. As he moved through the Gospels, the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart. Wayne felt a joy well up within him and believed that Jesus is the Messiah. He gave his life to the Lord and was Baptized to publically affirm his faith. Since the power of God’s Word was central to his conversion, he joined the Gideons International ministry to share God’s Word with others. Wayne has been active at the Bridge as a member of the Mens’ Ministry Committee and the Deacon Board. As an Elder, he shares responsibility for the Benevolent Fund and Care Ministry.
Wayne and his wife Margaret have been married over 50 years and have two adult sons and three grand children.
Favorite Bible Verse
2 Corinthians 5:21: “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

Gary Birch
Coming from divorced parents, then taken in at five by my Catholic Mexican grandparents living in east L.A., there was no exposure to Jesus early in my life. Catholic school through third grade was my God experience until I was in my early twenties.
Working in the Bar/Restaurant business for many years I developed a jaded view of Hard drinking Regulars. While working at Marie Callendar’s in Northridge I noticed how one of our managers, Mike, was able to be gracious to Overbearing and sometimes Rude customers. I asked Mike how he could keep his cool in those situations and he shared that he would be happy to show me how by introducing me to his Savior, Jesus Christ. Being a slow learner, it was over a year of observing and talking with him and meeting other Christians, including my future wife Lisa, who also had that “something” that I wanted in my life. Finally, On New Year’s Eve 1975 I welcomed Jesus in, to be my Lord and Savior. God is so Good! I married my precious, godly wife Lisa shortly thereafter.
Being a slow mover also, my growth as a Christian that “walked the walk” came slow but steady. We joined Reseda Baptist Church (RBC) in 1981. RBC became Heart of the Valley and now The Bridge Bible Fellowship. Upon joining the church, I was blessed to be invited to join bible studies where the growth began to happen.
In addition to wonderful teaching from the pulpit, it is the bible studies, with godly and mature people where “iron sharpens iron”. This is where I began to become an “effectual doer” of God’s Word. I am still working at it and will be until I stand before Jesus.
Lisa and I were blessed with a son and a daughter while we completed 34-year careers, she with Heart of the Valley Christian School and me with Lockheed Martin. We have both retired and have new careers serving our Lord through compassion ministries right here at TBBF.
If you see me around the campus, please introduce yourself. Blessings!

Don Rohde
Don grew up in a great Christian home here in the San Fernando Valley. His mom and dad were involved at First Baptist Church of Reseda from the time he was 13 years old and he has attended this church ever since. He met his beautiful wife, Charleen, at Reseda High School during his senior year. They were married in this church in 1963. Don and Charleen were involved in Jr. High and High School ministry in the early years of marriage. Problems in our marriage caused a separation between us because I (Don) was too focused on ministry and not on my wife and family. After 3 ½ years of listening to God’s correction in my life, our marriage was restored and we’ve celebrated more than 50 years of marriage! God is in the business of restoration whether it is a life or a marriage – for the praise of His glory.
Don started working at Galpin Ford in 1972 and has been there until this day. He is an avid bicyclist and loves being a granddad. He’s called “Pop Pop” by his two grandchildren (from his son, Erik, and beautiful daughter-in-law, Melody). Don’s daughter is Auntie Alise. She is a great witness for our Lord. Don most enjoys studying God’s Word and leading a small group Bible study here at The Bridge. It keeps me responsible to study and lead others into deeper knowledge and obedience.
His favorite Scripture is Psalm 27:4, “One thing I have asked from the LORD, That I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD And to meditate in His temple.”

Dennis Philpot
Since 1976, when he joined the Navigators campus ministry at Oregon State University, Dennis Philpot has sensed God’s call on his life to be involved in discipleship, evangelism and church leadership. Dennis moved to Southern California in April of 1983 to begin a career in the aerospace industry. After getting settled into a local church, he became active in a number of ministry areas including jail ministry, men’s discipleship, Awana Clubs International and the church Elder Board. Without question, Dennis’ favorite area of ministry is working with the inmates at jails in Ventura and Los Angeles County. This ministry has provided the opportunity for Dennis to “bring hope, encouragement and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to men who have been largely forgotten by society.” Over the years he and other teammates have seen many inmates repent of sin and come to saving faith in Christ.
Dennis and his wife, Kerry, have been married for 35 years and have two adult children.

Rich Weitzel
Rich Weitzel has been a member of the church since 1974. Rich is retired, after 48 years of teaching. He serves as an elder on the Missions Team and teaches the Galileans Adult Bible Class on Sunday mornings. He also teaches Bible courses at Pitchess Detention Center, the county jail. Rich is married to June Woo.

Pastor Paul Brown

Pastor Eduardo Bueno

Pastor Randy Leinen

Marc Boeker

Jeff Borchardt

Joe Leinen

Diane Brown

Jasmin Bonilla

Xiomara Bueno

Stacy Button

Mandy Panameño

Tammy Werth

Senior Pastor
Pastor Paul Brown
Pastor Paul is a graduate of Logos Bible School (Bible Certificate), Southern Oregon State College (B.A. in History), and Talbot School of Theology (M.Div). He also received an honorary D.Div. from California Pacific School of Theology.
He has served in various ministries including Youth Pastor at Ashland Bible Church, Campus Ministries Pastor at Grace Community Church, and Associate Pastor at Heartland Community Church prior to becoming Senior Pastor of Shepherd’s Community Church in 1990.
In 2007, Shepherd’s Community Church merged with Heart of the Valley to form The Bridge Bible Fellowship. In 2007, Paul also developed and became President of Shepherding The Nations, an international Missions Agency that currently works in India, Nepal, Bolivia, Honduras and Southern Mexico. Its primary aim is to resource native pastors to reach their own countries with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul’s wife, Diane, treasures time with her family and especially her grandchildren, is employed at TBBF as “Special Projects Coordinator” – and is also a professional vocalist. They were married in September of 1985 and have four children, two of whom are married: Jeremiah, Hannah (and Patrick), Rachel (and Josh), and Aaron. Paul and Diane have 5 grandchildren.
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 111

Hispanic Senior Pastor
Pastor Eduardo Bueno
Although he was born to a strong Christian family, by the time he reached his late teens, he decided to live for himself. Living for himself involved much heavy drinking and enjoying the party life. But no matter how much he did, there was no true satisfaction! He did not want to submit to God’s authority, let alone become a pastor! But God took him seriously when he raised his hand at a youth retreat to serve HIM. God’s plan was to clean up Eduardo’s life and bring him this entire way, holding his hand. God has truly led Eduardo step by step. He is so grateful to the Lord and to Xiomara, his wife.
He started at Heart of the Valley in 1988, serving as Youth Pastor, Deacon, Elder and now as a full-time Pastor. There have been many changes over the last 10 years of ministry. Soon he’ll be working on his Master’s degree in Biblical Studies. He has learned to trust the Lord 100% through many circumstances and has grown to understand that the Bible is not meant to make one smart, but to change one’s life!
Phone:818.776.1500, Ext. 112

Executive Pastor
Pastor Randy Leinen
Randy served at Shepherd’s Community Church since 1994 in various capacities. He has a passion for God’s Word and loves teaching the Bible. He has taught Adult Sunday School classes and Home Bible studies as well as serving on the Elder Board.
Randy graduated from Multnomah School of the Bible in 1987 with a degree in Biblical Studies with a minor in N.T. Greek. He went on to earn a teaching credential in Mathematics from Western Oregon State in 1989. He serves on staff here at The Bridge Bible Fellowship in the role of Executive Pastor.
Randy was married to Susan in 1985. Susan has served faithfully in various areas of ministry alongside of Randy. She currently serves with Randy in the administration of our mission agency, Shepherding the Nations. Randy and Susan have two adult sons, a wonderful daughter-in-law, and two grandsons.
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 135

Pastor of Administration
Marc Boeker
Marc served as Associate Pastor and Elder at Acton, CA for 15 years before being invited to join the pastoral team at The Bridge Bible Fellowship in January 2024. He has a passion for God’s Word, missions, and loves Biblical Counseling. He has led Men’s Bible Studies, Youth Group, and Family Ministries as well as preaching as needed.
Marc graduated from Grace University in 2001 with a double major in Bible and Intercultural Ministries. He and his wife, Amber, headed to Spain in that same year to serve in a media center focused on church planting in North Africa. They also served through music and teaching in their local Spanish church. After Spain, Marc attended the Master’s Seminary and earned an M. Div in 2012. He joyfully serves on staff at The Bridge Bible Fellowship in the role of Pastor of Administration.
Marc & Amber married in 1999. Amber has served faithfully in various areas of ministry alongside Marc. She still is busy raising up godly boys, giving piano lessons, and teaching at Women’s events whenever she can. Marc & Amber have 4 boys – Two married, one dating, and the other at home. They became grandparents in August 2024!
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 136

Youth & Family Pastor
Jeff Borchardt
Pastor Jeff is the eldest of four born into a Christian ministry home. As early as he can remember, he attended church anytime the doors were open. He often thinks back with gratitude to his parents’ dedication to the local church, a priority which has shaped him to this day!
Pastor Jeff graduated from Maranatha Baptist University (B.A. in Humanities ‘04) and Bob Jones University (M.Ed. in Secondary Education ‘12). He is currently enrolled at The Master’s Seminary working on an M.Div. After graduating from MBU in ‘04, Jeff married Jessica and the newlyweds moved to Guam to teach at Harvest Christian Academy and Harvest Baptist Church. At HCA Jeff taught High School Science for 14 years and Jessica taught English for 6 years. Both Jeff and Jess served in the music ministry and the children’s ministry at HBC. While in Guam, the Lord also blessed them with their 5 children Jeffrey 3 (4/9/07), Jean Marie (8/26/09), Jonathan (10/12/2012), Judson (5/6/2014), and Jubilee (5/25/2017). In 2018, God moved the Borchardt family to Taiwan where Jeff taught Math and Science at Morrison Academy in Kaohsiung. It was through their time in Taiwan while ministering alongside missionary families that the Lord worked in their hearts to pursue pastoral ministry. The Borchardts joined the Bridge family in January of 2022 and faithfully strive to live by the dedication found in Joshua 24:15.
Pastor Jeff enjoys playing and watching basketball and football. On days off, you might find him hiking the CA trails with his family or splashing in the waves with his kids. He also has a healthy love of music, and currently picks up the guitar for worship. Pastor Jeff especially enjoys singing songs about His Great Savior. On a typical day, Pastor Jeff has a good cup of coffee (his favorite is Highlander Grogg from Berres Brothers) in his hand ready to share truths he has discovered from God’s Word. His life verse is I Samuel 16:7, a reminder that Yahweh sees the heart.

Special Projects Coordinator
Diane Brown
Diane is the happy wife of Pastor Paul. She has served the Lord Jesus and His church in a variety of ministries for 34 years using her spiritual gifts of Administration and Leadership. In February of 2017, TBBF employed Diane as “Special Projects Coordinator.” The major components of this position include; all church and special events, facilitating volunteers, hospitality, and assisting Pastor Randy and the maintenance team with facility care.
In addition to her work at TBBF, Diane very much enjoys lots of time with family, traveling the world with Paul, photography, and double date nights with friends. Her household is busy and fun – as both she and Paul love to entertain and show hospitality. They have nicknamed their home “The Brown B&B” as they host many houseguests during the year. She is the mother of 4 adult children and ‘Grammie’ to 5 precious grandkids.

Administrative Assistant
Jasmin Bonilla
Jasmin has been happily married since November 1999 to the love of her life and church sweetheart, Juan. She attended Watterson College in Pasadena and graduated in 1997 as a Clinical/Administrative Medical Assistant. Her past work experience includes Prudential Health Care, Blue Shield of California, UCLA Medical Center and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. She has been working for The Bridge on a part-time basis as a receptionist since July 2013. Jasmin is blessed to work in the church office serving God and His people and still be able to go home early to continue her full-time job of wife and mom. She and Juan are the parents to two teenagers, Andrew and Rebecca.
Jasmin’s family is blessed to attend Iglesia Cristiana Puente de Vida (the Hispanic Congregation at TBBF) where she serves in the Worship Ministry, Children’s Ministry, and Women’s Ministry. She is also excited to start working in the Bridge Youth Ministry and is excited to see what the Lord has in store. One of her favorite Bible verses is Psalm 107:1. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” She loves praising and singing to the Lord!

Director of Children’s Ministry
Xiomara Bueno
Xiomara was born in El Salvador and grew up in Los Angeles. She has been on staff for 14 years, the majority of which has been in Children’s Ministries. These 14 years have prepared her for her current position as Children’s Ministries Director, a ministry that gives her joy…joy in serving the Lord and joy in serving the children.
Both Xiomara and her husband Eddie, Pastor of Hispanic Ministries, have been members of the church for 30 years. They have three beautiful children, Vanessa Sammy and David. David has since graduated to heaven.
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 115

Accounting Assistant
Stacy Button
Stacy accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior at a young age. She has always been involved in various ministries – as a young girl, “Serving My Master” & children’s choir. Junior high and high school brought choir and many ministry trips. Adulthood brought leadership roles in women’s and youth ministry. Serving the Lord has always been a priority.
In May of 2015 Stacy married the love of her life, Michael. Their shared love of traveling has taken them all over the world. Scrapbooking is the perfect outlet to craft and capture those memories in fun photo albums. Locally, Stacy and her husband love to visit museums, botanical gardens and try out new hiking trails. There is always time for a cup of coffee with a friend. The Buttons love to serve the church together. The fall of 2018 brought Stacy the opportunity to join the accounting team and serve TBBF in a new way.

Hispanic Administrative Assistant
Mandy Panameño
Mandy graduated from CSUN in 2003 with a B.A. in Sociology and a minor in Central American Studies. She has attended this church since 1999. She has been on staff as the Administrative Assistant to the Hispanic Congregation since 2006. Mandy’s position includes all office administrative work, as well as organizing and coordinating all events for the Hispanic congregation. She enjoys serving in other ministries, such as the Children’s Ministry and the Ladies Ministry.
Mandy has been married to an amazing, wonderful, and fun man named Nelson since 2004. They have a boy and a girl. She loves to see her little family at church learning about the Lord and serving Him. She looks forward to Friday nights when her family goes out to try different types of foods. She hasn’t met any food she didn’t like. Mandy is overwhelmed with joy when she thinks of the love, grace and patience that the Lord has shown her and she can attest to God’s faithfulness in her life.
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 124

Financial Manager
Tammy Werth
Tammy Werth was born here in Southern California and has made the Valley her home since 1985. The Lord starting drawing Tammy into a relationship with Him as an adult. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). When Tammy stopped living for herself and asked Jesus to be her Savior, the transformation into a new creature was completely evident. Tammy became a member of Heart of the Valley Christian Church (later to become The Bridge Bible Fellowship) in 2000 and the Lord called her in 2002 from the secular world to serve the church full time with her organizational and accounting skills. She serves as Finance and IT Administrator. Tammy has a passion for God and loves serving His Church!
Her favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 134

Pastor Paul Brown

Pastor Randy Leinen

Pastor Eduardo Bueno

Jeff Borchardt

Zach Volker

Wayne Borkin

Gary Birch

Don Rohde

Dennis Philpot

Rich Weitzel
No Results Found

Senior Pastor
Pastor Paul Brown
Pastor Paul is a graduate of Logos Bible School (Bible Certificate), Southern Oregon State College (B.A. in History), and Talbot School of Theology (M.Div). He also received an honorary D.Div. from California Pacific School of Theology.
He has served in various ministries including Youth Pastor at Ashland Bible Church, Campus Ministries Pastor at Grace Community Church, and Associate Pastor at Heartland Community Church prior to becoming Senior Pastor of Shepherd’s Community Church in 1990.
In 2007, Shepherd’s Community Church merged with Heart of the Valley to form The Bridge Bible Fellowship. In 2007, Paul also developed and became President of Shepherding The Nations, an international Missions Agency that currently works in India, Nepal, Bolivia, Honduras and Southern Mexico. Its primary aim is to resource native pastors to reach their own countries with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul’s wife, Diane, treasures time with her family and especially her grandchildren, is employed at TBBF as “Special Projects Coordinator” – and is also a professional vocalist. They were married in September of 1985 and have four children, two of whom are married: Jeremiah, Hannah (and Patrick), Rachel (and Josh), and Aaron. Paul and Diane have 5 grandchildren.
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 111

Executive Pastor
Pastor Randy Leinen
Randy served at Shepherd’s Community Church since 1994 in various capacities. He has a passion for God’s Word and loves teaching the Bible. He has taught Adult Sunday School classes and Home Bible studies as well as serving on the Elder Board.
Randy graduated from Multnomah School of the Bible in 1987 with a degree in Biblical Studies with a minor in N.T. Greek. He went on to earn a teaching credential in Mathematics from Western Oregon State in 1989. He serves on staff here at The Bridge Bible Fellowship in the role of Executive Pastor.
Randy was married to Susan in 1985. Susan has served faithfully in various areas of ministry alongside of Randy. She currently serves with Randy in the administration of our mission agency, Shepherding the Nations. Randy and Susan have two adult sons, a wonderful daughter-in-law, and two grandsons.
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 135

Hispanic Senior Pastor
Pastor Eduardo Bueno
Although he was born to a strong Christian family, by the time he reached his late teens, he decided to live for himself. Living for himself involved much heavy drinking and enjoying the party life. But no matter how much he did, there was no true satisfaction! He did not want to submit to God’s authority, let alone become a pastor! But God took him seriously when he raised his hand at a youth retreat to serve HIM. God’s plan was to clean up Eduardo’s life and bring him this entire way, holding his hand. God has truly led Eduardo step by step. He is so grateful to the Lord and to Xiomara, his wife.
He started at Heart of the Valley in 1988, serving as Youth Pastor, Deacon, Elder and now as a full-time Pastor. There have been many changes over the last 10 years of ministry. Soon he’ll be working on his Master’s degree in Biblical Studies. He has learned to trust the Lord 100% through many circumstances and has grown to understand that the Bible is not meant to make one smart, but to change one’s life!
Phone:818.776.1500, Ext. 112

Youth & Family Pastor
Jeff Borchardt
Pastor Jeff is the eldest of four born into a Christian ministry home. As early as he can remember, he attended church anytime the doors were open. He often thinks back with gratitude to his parents’ dedication to the local church, a priority which has shaped him to this day!
Pastor Jeff graduated from Maranatha Baptist University (B.A. in Humanities ‘04) and Bob Jones University (M.Ed. in Secondary Education ‘12). He is currently enrolled at The Master’s Seminary working on an M.Div. After graduating from MBU in ‘04, Jeff married Jessica and the newlyweds moved to Guam to teach at Harvest Christian Academy and Harvest Baptist Church. At HCA Jeff taught High School Science for 14 years and Jessica taught English for 6 years. Both Jeff and Jess served in the music ministry and the children’s ministry at HBC. While in Guam, the Lord also blessed them with their 5 children Jeffrey 3 (4/9/07), Jean Marie (8/26/09), Jonathan (10/12/2012), Judson (5/6/2014), and Jubilee (5/25/2017). In 2018, God moved the Borchardt family to Taiwan where Jeff taught Math and Science at Morrison Academy in Kaohsiung. It was through their time in Taiwan while ministering alongside missionary families that the Lord worked in their hearts to pursue pastoral ministry. The Borchardts joined the Bridge family in January of 2022 and faithfully strive to live by the dedication found in Joshua 24:15.
Pastor Jeff enjoys playing and watching basketball and football. On days off, you might find him hiking the CA trails with his family or splashing in the waves with his kids. He also has a healthy love of music, and currently picks up the guitar for worship. Pastor Jeff especially enjoys singing songs about His Great Savior. On a typical day, Pastor Jeff has a good cup of coffee (his favorite is Highlander Grogg from Berres Brothers) in his hand ready to share truths he has discovered from God’s Word. His life verse is I Samuel 16:7, a reminder that Yahweh sees the heart.

Elder Chair
Zach Volker
Zach was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ. He grew up in a believing family with 3 other siblings and enjoyed the blessing of having a pastor for a father. He repented and believed in 1996 during high school, and spent his remaining time there evangelizing to his Mormon friends. In 2000, Zach moved out to Los Angeles to go to art school to study animation at CalArts.
After a few semesters he quit school and found work as an animator. Shortly after that he married his wonderful wife, Staci, in 2002, and together they enjoy the blessing of 4 children who they currently home-school. Zach and Staci have been a part of The Bridge since 2003. They have been serving younger married couples since 2006 and have a passion to see young families grow healthy and strong. Zach is currently a supervising animator at a local video game studio and has been an elder since 2015.

Wayne Borkin
Wayne was born and raised in the Jewish Faith. At the age of 28, he read the New Testament for the very first time. As he moved through the Gospels, the Holy Spirit spoke to his heart. Wayne felt a joy well up within him and believed that Jesus is the Messiah. He gave his life to the Lord and was Baptized to publically affirm his faith. Since the power of God’s Word was central to his conversion, he joined the Gideons International ministry to share God’s Word with others. Wayne has been active at the Bridge as a member of the Mens’ Ministry Committee and the Deacon Board. As an Elder, he shares responsibility for the Benevolent Fund and Care Ministry.
Wayne and his wife Margaret have been married over 50 years and have two adult sons and three grand children.
Favorite Bible Verse
2 Corinthians 5:21: “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

Gary Birch
Coming from divorced parents, then taken in at five by my Catholic Mexican grandparents living in east L.A., there was no exposure to Jesus early in my life. Catholic school through third grade was my God experience until I was in my early twenties.
Working in the Bar/Restaurant business for many years I developed a jaded view of Hard drinking Regulars. While working at Marie Callendar’s in Northridge I noticed how one of our managers, Mike, was able to be gracious to Overbearing and sometimes Rude customers. I asked Mike how he could keep his cool in those situations and he shared that he would be happy to show me how by introducing me to his Savior, Jesus Christ. Being a slow learner, it was over a year of observing and talking with him and meeting other Christians, including my future wife Lisa, who also had that “something” that I wanted in my life. Finally, On New Year’s Eve 1975 I welcomed Jesus in, to be my Lord and Savior. God is so Good! I married my precious, godly wife Lisa shortly thereafter.
Being a slow mover also, my growth as a Christian that “walked the walk” came slow but steady. We joined Reseda Baptist Church (RBC) in 1981. RBC became Heart of the Valley and now The Bridge Bible Fellowship. Upon joining the church, I was blessed to be invited to join bible studies where the growth began to happen.
In addition to wonderful teaching from the pulpit, it is the bible studies, with godly and mature people where “iron sharpens iron”. This is where I began to become an “effectual doer” of God’s Word. I am still working at it and will be until I stand before Jesus.
Lisa and I were blessed with a son and a daughter while we completed 34-year careers, she with Heart of the Valley Christian School and me with Lockheed Martin. We have both retired and have new careers serving our Lord through compassion ministries right here at TBBF.
If you see me around the campus, please introduce yourself. Blessings!

Don Rohde
Don grew up in a great Christian home here in the San Fernando Valley. His mom and dad were involved at First Baptist Church of Reseda from the time he was 13 years old and he has attended this church ever since. He met his beautiful wife, Charleen, at Reseda High School during his senior year. They were married in this church in 1963. Don and Charleen were involved in Jr. High and High School ministry in the early years of marriage. Problems in our marriage caused a separation between us because I (Don) was too focused on ministry and not on my wife and family. After 3 ½ years of listening to God’s correction in my life, our marriage was restored and we’ve celebrated more than 50 years of marriage! God is in the business of restoration whether it is a life or a marriage – for the praise of His glory.
Don started working at Galpin Ford in 1972 and has been there until this day. He is an avid bicyclist and loves being a granddad. He’s called “Pop Pop” by his two grandchildren (from his son, Erik, and beautiful daughter-in-law, Melody). Don’s daughter is Auntie Alise. She is a great witness for our Lord. Don most enjoys studying God’s Word and leading a small group Bible study here at The Bridge. It keeps me responsible to study and lead others into deeper knowledge and obedience.
His favorite Scripture is Psalm 27:4, “One thing I have asked from the LORD, That I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD And to meditate in His temple.”

Dennis Philpot
Since 1976, when he joined the Navigators campus ministry at Oregon State University, Dennis Philpot has sensed God’s call on his life to be involved in discipleship, evangelism and church leadership. Dennis moved to Southern California in April of 1983 to begin a career in the aerospace industry. After getting settled into a local church, he became active in a number of ministry areas including jail ministry, men’s discipleship, Awana Clubs International and the church Elder Board. Without question, Dennis’ favorite area of ministry is working with the inmates at jails in Ventura and Los Angeles County. This ministry has provided the opportunity for Dennis to “bring hope, encouragement and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to men who have been largely forgotten by society.” Over the years he and other teammates have seen many inmates repent of sin and come to saving faith in Christ.
Dennis and his wife, Kerry, have been married for 35 years and have two adult children.

Rich Weitzel
Rich Weitzel has been a member of the church since 1974. Rich is retired, after 48 years of teaching. He serves as an elder on the Missions Team and teaches the Galileans Adult Bible Class on Sunday mornings. He also teaches Bible courses at Pitchess Detention Center, the county jail. Rich is married to June Woo.

Pastor Paul Brown

Pastor Eduardo Bueno

Pastor Randy Leinen

Marc Boeker

Jeff Borchardt

Joe Leinen

Diane Brown

Jasmin Bonilla

Xiomara Bueno

Stacy Button

Mandy Panameño

Tammy Werth

Senior Pastor
Pastor Paul Brown
Pastor Paul is a graduate of Logos Bible School (Bible Certificate), Southern Oregon State College (B.A. in History), and Talbot School of Theology (M.Div). He also received an honorary D.Div. from California Pacific School of Theology.
He has served in various ministries including Youth Pastor at Ashland Bible Church, Campus Ministries Pastor at Grace Community Church, and Associate Pastor at Heartland Community Church prior to becoming Senior Pastor of Shepherd’s Community Church in 1990.
In 2007, Shepherd’s Community Church merged with Heart of the Valley to form The Bridge Bible Fellowship. In 2007, Paul also developed and became President of Shepherding The Nations, an international Missions Agency that currently works in India, Nepal, Bolivia, Honduras and Southern Mexico. Its primary aim is to resource native pastors to reach their own countries with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul’s wife, Diane, treasures time with her family and especially her grandchildren, is employed at TBBF as “Special Projects Coordinator” – and is also a professional vocalist. They were married in September of 1985 and have four children, two of whom are married: Jeremiah, Hannah (and Patrick), Rachel (and Josh), and Aaron. Paul and Diane have 5 grandchildren.
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 111

Hispanic Senior Pastor
Pastor Eduardo Bueno
Although he was born to a strong Christian family, by the time he reached his late teens, he decided to live for himself. Living for himself involved much heavy drinking and enjoying the party life. But no matter how much he did, there was no true satisfaction! He did not want to submit to God’s authority, let alone become a pastor! But God took him seriously when he raised his hand at a youth retreat to serve HIM. God’s plan was to clean up Eduardo’s life and bring him this entire way, holding his hand. God has truly led Eduardo step by step. He is so grateful to the Lord and to Xiomara, his wife.
He started at Heart of the Valley in 1988, serving as Youth Pastor, Deacon, Elder and now as a full-time Pastor. There have been many changes over the last 10 years of ministry. Soon he’ll be working on his Master’s degree in Biblical Studies. He has learned to trust the Lord 100% through many circumstances and has grown to understand that the Bible is not meant to make one smart, but to change one’s life!
Phone:818.776.1500, Ext. 112

Executive Pastor
Pastor Randy Leinen
Randy served at Shepherd’s Community Church since 1994 in various capacities. He has a passion for God’s Word and loves teaching the Bible. He has taught Adult Sunday School classes and Home Bible studies as well as serving on the Elder Board.
Randy graduated from Multnomah School of the Bible in 1987 with a degree in Biblical Studies with a minor in N.T. Greek. He went on to earn a teaching credential in Mathematics from Western Oregon State in 1989. He serves on staff here at The Bridge Bible Fellowship in the role of Executive Pastor.
Randy was married to Susan in 1985. Susan has served faithfully in various areas of ministry alongside of Randy. She currently serves with Randy in the administration of our mission agency, Shepherding the Nations. Randy and Susan have two adult sons, a wonderful daughter-in-law, and two grandsons.
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 135

Pastor of Administration
Marc Boeker
Marc served as Associate Pastor and Elder at Acton, CA for 15 years before being invited to join the pastoral team at The Bridge Bible Fellowship in January 2024. He has a passion for God’s Word, missions, and loves Biblical Counseling. He has led Men’s Bible Studies, Youth Group, and Family Ministries as well as preaching as needed.
Marc graduated from Grace University in 2001 with a double major in Bible and Intercultural Ministries. He and his wife, Amber, headed to Spain in that same year to serve in a media center focused on church planting in North Africa. They also served through music and teaching in their local Spanish church. After Spain, Marc attended the Master’s Seminary and earned an M. Div in 2012. He joyfully serves on staff at The Bridge Bible Fellowship in the role of Pastor of Administration.
Marc & Amber married in 1999. Amber has served faithfully in various areas of ministry alongside Marc. She still is busy raising up godly boys, giving piano lessons, and teaching at Women’s events whenever she can. Marc & Amber have 4 boys – Two married, one dating, and the other at home. They became grandparents in August 2024!
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 136

Youth & Family Pastor
Jeff Borchardt
Pastor Jeff is the eldest of four born into a Christian ministry home. As early as he can remember, he attended church anytime the doors were open. He often thinks back with gratitude to his parents’ dedication to the local church, a priority which has shaped him to this day!
Pastor Jeff graduated from Maranatha Baptist University (B.A. in Humanities ‘04) and Bob Jones University (M.Ed. in Secondary Education ‘12). He is currently enrolled at The Master’s Seminary working on an M.Div. After graduating from MBU in ‘04, Jeff married Jessica and the newlyweds moved to Guam to teach at Harvest Christian Academy and Harvest Baptist Church. At HCA Jeff taught High School Science for 14 years and Jessica taught English for 6 years. Both Jeff and Jess served in the music ministry and the children’s ministry at HBC. While in Guam, the Lord also blessed them with their 5 children Jeffrey 3 (4/9/07), Jean Marie (8/26/09), Jonathan (10/12/2012), Judson (5/6/2014), and Jubilee (5/25/2017). In 2018, God moved the Borchardt family to Taiwan where Jeff taught Math and Science at Morrison Academy in Kaohsiung. It was through their time in Taiwan while ministering alongside missionary families that the Lord worked in their hearts to pursue pastoral ministry. The Borchardts joined the Bridge family in January of 2022 and faithfully strive to live by the dedication found in Joshua 24:15.
Pastor Jeff enjoys playing and watching basketball and football. On days off, you might find him hiking the CA trails with his family or splashing in the waves with his kids. He also has a healthy love of music, and currently picks up the guitar for worship. Pastor Jeff especially enjoys singing songs about His Great Savior. On a typical day, Pastor Jeff has a good cup of coffee (his favorite is Highlander Grogg from Berres Brothers) in his hand ready to share truths he has discovered from God’s Word. His life verse is I Samuel 16:7, a reminder that Yahweh sees the heart.

Special Projects Coordinator
Diane Brown
Diane is the happy wife of Pastor Paul. She has served the Lord Jesus and His church in a variety of ministries for 34 years using her spiritual gifts of Administration and Leadership. In February of 2017, TBBF employed Diane as “Special Projects Coordinator.” The major components of this position include; all church and special events, facilitating volunteers, hospitality, and assisting Pastor Randy and the maintenance team with facility care.
In addition to her work at TBBF, Diane very much enjoys lots of time with family, traveling the world with Paul, photography, and double date nights with friends. Her household is busy and fun – as both she and Paul love to entertain and show hospitality. They have nicknamed their home “The Brown B&B” as they host many houseguests during the year. She is the mother of 4 adult children and ‘Grammie’ to 5 precious grandkids.

Administrative Assistant
Jasmin Bonilla
Jasmin has been happily married since November 1999 to the love of her life and church sweetheart, Juan. She attended Watterson College in Pasadena and graduated in 1997 as a Clinical/Administrative Medical Assistant. Her past work experience includes Prudential Health Care, Blue Shield of California, UCLA Medical Center and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. She has been working for The Bridge on a part-time basis as a receptionist since July 2013. Jasmin is blessed to work in the church office serving God and His people and still be able to go home early to continue her full-time job of wife and mom. She and Juan are the parents to two teenagers, Andrew and Rebecca.
Jasmin’s family is blessed to attend Iglesia Cristiana Puente de Vida (the Hispanic Congregation at TBBF) where she serves in the Worship Ministry, Children’s Ministry, and Women’s Ministry. She is also excited to start working in the Bridge Youth Ministry and is excited to see what the Lord has in store. One of her favorite Bible verses is Psalm 107:1. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.” She loves praising and singing to the Lord!

Director of Children’s Ministry
Xiomara Bueno
Xiomara was born in El Salvador and grew up in Los Angeles. She has been on staff for 14 years, the majority of which has been in Children’s Ministries. These 14 years have prepared her for her current position as Children’s Ministries Director, a ministry that gives her joy…joy in serving the Lord and joy in serving the children.
Both Xiomara and her husband Eddie, Pastor of Hispanic Ministries, have been members of the church for 30 years. They have three beautiful children, Vanessa Sammy and David. David has since graduated to heaven.
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 115

Accounting Assistant
Stacy Button
Stacy accepted Christ as her Lord and Savior at a young age. She has always been involved in various ministries – as a young girl, “Serving My Master” & children’s choir. Junior high and high school brought choir and many ministry trips. Adulthood brought leadership roles in women’s and youth ministry. Serving the Lord has always been a priority.
In May of 2015 Stacy married the love of her life, Michael. Their shared love of traveling has taken them all over the world. Scrapbooking is the perfect outlet to craft and capture those memories in fun photo albums. Locally, Stacy and her husband love to visit museums, botanical gardens and try out new hiking trails. There is always time for a cup of coffee with a friend. The Buttons love to serve the church together. The fall of 2018 brought Stacy the opportunity to join the accounting team and serve TBBF in a new way.

Hispanic Administrative Assistant
Mandy Panameño
Mandy graduated from CSUN in 2003 with a B.A. in Sociology and a minor in Central American Studies. She has attended this church since 1999. She has been on staff as the Administrative Assistant to the Hispanic Congregation since 2006. Mandy’s position includes all office administrative work, as well as organizing and coordinating all events for the Hispanic congregation. She enjoys serving in other ministries, such as the Children’s Ministry and the Ladies Ministry.
Mandy has been married to an amazing, wonderful, and fun man named Nelson since 2004. They have a boy and a girl. She loves to see her little family at church learning about the Lord and serving Him. She looks forward to Friday nights when her family goes out to try different types of foods. She hasn’t met any food she didn’t like. Mandy is overwhelmed with joy when she thinks of the love, grace and patience that the Lord has shown her and she can attest to God’s faithfulness in her life.
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 124

Financial Manager
Tammy Werth
Tammy Werth was born here in Southern California and has made the Valley her home since 1985. The Lord starting drawing Tammy into a relationship with Him as an adult. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17). When Tammy stopped living for herself and asked Jesus to be her Savior, the transformation into a new creature was completely evident. Tammy became a member of Heart of the Valley Christian Church (later to become The Bridge Bible Fellowship) in 2000 and the Lord called her in 2002 from the secular world to serve the church full time with her organizational and accounting skills. She serves as Finance and IT Administrator. Tammy has a passion for God and loves serving His Church!
Her favorite scripture is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
Phone:818.776.1500 Ext. 134